Department of Modern Languages and Literatures

flagsLanguage teaching has always been included in the curriculum of all specializations of the Partium Christian University. The establishment of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures has been made imperative by the fact that the language examination anterior to the qualifying examination has become of great importance lately. Therefore, the University Senate has made it obligatory upon all students to study at least one foreign language throughout four semesters.

Beyond the development of the fundamental language skills, foreign language groups, which are greatly heterogeneous as far as the level of knowledge is concerned have to get acquainted with the professional terminology of the language chosen as well. This is required not merely in a regular language examination, but it is also a demand for getting access to foreign bibliography and joining in with the circulation of the international scholarly life. The staff members of the Department besides their teaching duties are involved in scientific research with considerable results as well, mainly in the fields of applied linguistics and methodology. Compilation of foreign language acquisition support materials is particularly remarkable.
